NOTE: We know that this documentation is *ahem* not ideal. Our 'real' documentation is better than this one. However we pretty often have to work with non ideal documentation too, so consider this part of the challenge :)

Megaverse API docs

The Megaverse service allows you to generate different astral objects: Polyanets, Soloons and Comeths!

The megaverse service is a REST API. All API routes below refer to a single route:

IMPORTANT: All APIs take a required parameter 'candidateId'


  • POST /api/polyanets with arguments 'row' and 'column' for their position in the map
  • DELETE /api/polyanets with arguments 'row' and 'column' will delete a Polyanet if you made a mistake
  • Soloons

  • POST /api/soloons with arguments 'row' and 'column' for their position in the map.
    Additionally you should provide a 'color' argument which can be "blue", "red", "purple" or "white"
  • DELETE /api/soloons with arguments 'row' and 'column' will delete a Polyanet if you made a mistake
  • Cometh

  • POST /api/comeths with arguments 'row' and 'column' for their position in the map.
    Additionally you should provide a 'direction' argument which can be "up", "down", "right" or "left"
  • DELETE /api/comeths with arguments 'row' and 'column' will delete a Polyanet if you made a mistake
  • Goal Map

    There is one extra endpoint you might find helpful! It' the /api/map/[candidateId]/goal, where [candidateId] is your candidate ID.

    It will return you the goal map for your current challenge phase. It might be easier to parse than the HTML in our page, but heads-up it's not straightforward either. But we're sure you can figure it out! :)